Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Hustings Update

There has been a hate campaign by Kingston UAF where they have produced a number of lies about me and other Nationalist and harassed a local internet radio presenter because they are against free speech.

I was supposed to be appearing on ‘In the Loop’ a political show on Croydon Radio this coming Sunday for a local elections hustings but due to a combination of the presenter being harassed and the Candidates from the Liberal democrats and the Communist Party refusing to share a platform with someone who has opposing political views to them, my invitation was withdrawn.

I don’t blame the presenter as most readers will already know how nasty the UAF can be and how determined they are to rid our great nation of freedom of speech.

A large number of the questions at the hustings will be asked over Twitter, Skype and email, because there is no studio audience. So what I have decided to do is listen to the show, tweet throughout the show and then once the show is finished I will produce a short video where I will answer many of the question asked and put the video up the same evening.

You can get involved during the show by tweeting @bieneosa using the hash tag #Croydon2014
Or using Skype: CroydonRadio
Late Sunday evening the video will go up on the SouthLondonNF YouTube Channel and I will be doing the same after the Croydon Advertiser hustings on 13th May.
They might be able to keep us out of hustings but they can’t keep us off the internet.